Air Turn Bars
Modular Web Solutions offers low drag Air Turn Bars to turn the web 90°, opposite side up, 90° same side up, reverse direction- same side up, same direction-opposite side up, vertical or horizontal arrangement and offset web. Our air turn bars fit above or below other machinery, minimizing any need for additional machine length.
No tension limitations- standard roll construction allows for use in mid-to high-tension applications. A special design is also available for low-tension applications.
No speed limitations- Our air turn bars can be engineered to operate within any speed range
Easy installation- Many units can be assembled and aligned before shipping, minimizing equipment downtime. Simply bolt them down and you're ready to operate.
We can accommodate a wide range of web widths from narrow webs to over 10 feet in width.
Airless Turn Bars can also be provided when drag is not a concern.
Please provide us with web material, web tension, web speed, web width, web orientation and machine orientation when calling about our Air Turn Bars.